Friday, January 10, 2014

Wasn't feeling it

Today I wasn't feeling it.  And by it I mean I wasn't feeling anything.  I was a little okay, a lot tired today.  I think the link between doing well and not doing well is in how much sleep you get.  I didn't get a lot last night and I kinda suffered today for it.  I was so slow this morning.  I had my smoothie all ready to go and left the house with out it.  I got 1/2 way to work and was like "NOOOOOOOO" How did I forget it.  So that kinda bummed me out.  I was looking forward to my drink.  Okay not really cuz this smoothie was one I totally threw together.  It was spinach, some cherry juice (which is where I think i went wrong), water, strawberries, bananas, and some coco wasn't the worst thing and if I liked fruit flavored chocolate it would have been the best thing ever.  But I do not like my chocolate flavored like red fruits.  Bananas are not so bad but the cherry juice and strawberry was not the best idea.  So no smoothie, no healthy lunch ( I had cup of noodles) and I'm not really feeling dinner.  I mean I'm kinda hungry but not hungry enough to go buy me food or to make me food.  So I'm sitting here wondering if I re blend the smoothie I left this morning (don't worry I left it in the freezer) will it fill my tummy.  The short answer is Heck No. The lazy one says Heck Yeah.

So we'll see.  I'm almost just ready to eat sleep and maybe I'll be feeling it tomorrow when I wake....

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