Wednesday, March 30, 2011


So, As the title states: WARNING!  I am warning you that this post is a little revealing.  You know when you really have gone too far.  You feel it in your bones, you sense it with your spider senses, you know as soon as you do it, it's too much.  Well folks I did it.  I think I have been avoiding it for years and thus is the reason I've started this blog.  (It's not too late to turn back and not read this, I haven't given it away yet) 

Let me start at the beginning.  I have not always been a Fat Girl.  Now I've never been a skinny mini either but I was the correct weight I should be for me.  The weight has piled on over the years like a winter coat that I failed to take off and then the next year I just put on another one.  You know your gaining weight when your clothes don't fit or you have a hard time getting into your "fat" jeans.  You know it's time to lay off the junk food when you see a picture of your self and go "OH MY GOD IS THAT ME?" What happened?  But I don't think it really, really , really hits you until you see yourself NAKED in a FULL LENGTH MIRROR!!!  Yes, folks that is what has happened.  It wasn't on purpose ( let's face it when you know you've gained a little weight you tend to not look in full length mirrors naked. As a matter of fact, you only look in mirrors that show you from the boobs up!) You try to avoid those pesky mirrors in department stores and fitting rooms.  But when you actually see yourself in a mirror (from head to toe) naked , You really see that you have let yourself go. 

I just recovered from that moment.  I can not describe how sad I felt.  Well I can but then I may have to be admitted into some kind of hospital ward.  I just stared at the weight that has overtaken my body.  I felt helpless and most of all disappointed.  How did this happen? 

Well I can tell you that it's nothing like a fresh look at yourself, naked no less, that makes your resolve to lose the weight that much more urgent.  I know it's a process and I'm processing it stupid slow.  But the body in the mirror does not lie.  So I'm going to become more committed to GRTFG.  I have to if I don't I may not be able to fit in the full length mirror anymore....

As always....thanks for following....

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