Monday, March 28, 2011


It's been a week since I've posted.  Man I'm bad at this blogging thing.  LOL.   It's just that you get so lazy, I mean busy that before you know it a whole week has gone by.  I guess it doesn't help that I haven't been in the best of moods lately.  Trying to change my attitude at work but things keep happening that keep rubbing salt in the wound. This week I'll try again.

It's supposed to rain all week :( That is not going to help improve the situation.  SO my workouts will have to be focused on the Wii this week.  Back to the Wii Fit.  I wasn't doing the Wii Fit for a while.  The stupid Fit Board kept losing battery power in the middle of my walk workout.  How frustrating is that!  And I have the rechargeable batteries.  But of course something was amiss.  People don't believe me when I say that the forces of the universe try everything in it's power to make me NOT workout!  Ha ha. 

Has anyone ever read those Eat This Not That Books?! I have to say I'm so obsessed with them.  Right now I'm reading the new one The Eat This Not That No Diet Diet!  It helps incorporate the ETNT (I’m not spelling it out anymore) Books into a workable No Diet Diet!  I'm loving it.  Altho if I'm honest a lot of the Eat That part I don't eat anyway.  But there have been some things that I thought these are good for you and it turns out that they are not!   It's a good little guide when you are out eating or grocery shopping.  I know my family is ready to gag me because I'm always saying "That's on the Not That side of the ETNT"  Hey what can I say?  I have a slight case of OCD (shut up) 

Anyway.  I'm still trying to find a balance in the "activity" realm.  If only I could channel Jillian Michaels.  Then I would be looking good.....

As always...thanks for following....


  1. I love those books. It is amazing when you realize you have been eating crap all your life.

    Keep up the good work, dear.

  2. Don't give up the blogging, we love hearing from you. As difficult as it is, you just have to set some time aside each day or every other day, to blog! Its my outlet. Miss you girl!
