Monday, March 21, 2011


So, I have not completly kicked the couch potato syndrome. But I have gotten better.  I know it's been a while since I've made a GRFG entry.  I've been busy!  With the walking and stuff a girl just doesn't have that much free time.  After my walks I just want to sleep.  I am forseeing a huge problem coming up.  I do my walks in the afternoon after I get off work.  Well it's getting hot outside and I don't want to walk in the HEAT!!!!  What's a girl to do?  I can't afford to slechp it to the gym everyday.  And I go to work too dang early to do it before.  I don't want to wait until the sun goes down because I want to get back before it gets dark.  So what can I do to stay slightly active?  Taking any and all suggestions.  Let's be clear that I am just taking the suggestions, I will pick and choose to use them. 

I must confess I've been a little snacky lately.  I don't know what is going on but the munchies have over taken me.  Could it be my nerves? I'm too young to have nerves! 
What do you do to get past the munchies???

As always....thanks for following....

1 comment:

  1. Could you walk once you get to on your lunch hour..maybe go walking around 11 and then eat..that way its not TOO hot.
