Friday, March 4, 2011


So, Followers I walked 2 miles yesterday!  YAY ME!!  One mile there and one mile back.  You know it didn't kill me.  And I did it in less than an hour.  Now I know the average time is some ridiculous time like an 8 min mile.  But I was walking and I was pretty proud that I did it in 20 min.(one way) And what's a hour out of my day?  It seems easy in theory but actually putting in the time and effort is what is killing me.  So if I could ask you my GRTFG followers if you could facebook me, text me, post on the blog me,little prompts to make me, I mean remind me, to  get out and do it everyday! I'd be forever grateful.  It's harder to not do it when you have people reminding you to do it! 

Man I ask a lot don't I! LOL.  But with your help I could lose the fat and how great would that make you feel?!! HUH?  If I had a picture of a little fat girl and sappy music playing in the background would that tug at your heartstrings to send me money..I mean reminders?  I started thinking about those commercials that want you to send money to help xyz.... 

As always....thanks for following....

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