Monday, February 7, 2011

What Was I Thinking???

So, yesterday began with the gun-ho attitude that I would make it a whole week, seven days, 7 sunrises , 7 sunsets, 7 nights of the moon as being a Vegan.  Well I have to tell you WHAT WAS I THINKING!!!????? No one in their right mind (clearly I was not) would not only not eat meat but dairy and eggs as well.  You all showed great support and gave me many you can do its.  Sure some of you laughed and said I was crazy and really you were the ones who were right.  If you thought I could do it I hope you didn't put money on it!  You would lose.  I'm sorry, I can't do it.  Not for a whole week anyway.  One day and a half.. yes.  7 of those suckers and I'm bound to end up at Pizza Hut eating a whole pie plus wings and breadsticks.  Maybe the smart dog just put me over the top.  Perhaps it was the fact that I ate oatmeal this morning without sugar.  Or maybe it's the gas that keeps coming from my butt!?  I dunno but I'm here to tell you stop pulling for me to be Vegan for a week.  It is OVER. I'm truly sorry for any disappointment I may be causing to those of you  who thought I could do it.
Okay now that I've come clean I think I'm going to modify this a bit.  I think I can do well if I have one meal that's not Vegan a day.  But to have all of them plus snacks Vegan I just can't do it.  As I sit her typing this in I know that my willpower is strong, (remember when I gave up bread and potatoes?) I know that if I truly, truly, truly wanted to I could continue being Vegan.  But like a five year boy when told to go take a bath, I just don't want to.  I'll have to continue on my journey for better eating and living but I can tell you (as sure as rain falls from the sky) that Vegan-ism is not now, ever, after ever for me.  Sure I may stray off the yellow brick road and have a meal or two the Vegan way. But the good Lord put meat and dairy on this Earth  for us to eat.  If he didn't want us to eat it then he would have made all the animals rats.  I'm just saying....
But this is what it's all about eating and not eating, trying and not trying new things.  I will say this,  I don't need any I knew you couldn't do its.  I knew going in my mission had  a high chance for failure.  I'm not doing brain surgery here people.  I'm going to pick myself up, wipe the egg off my face (Mmmmmm egg...) and keep it moving...You should too..

As always.....thanks for following......


  1. Well you tried so we give you credit. But I have found the best way to diet is NOT to deprive yourself of anything..because you do end up craving that something SO bad and then you go completely ravenous when you get a taste of it. So I suggest don’t completely cut anything out of your diet, treat yourself once in awhile, and cut down on portions, and yes you have to excercise..even though I know your feelings on that one!!

  2. We could not jump head first into the vegan thing.. We started out slow.. We eat it every other day now and I have yet to feel deprived..
    Just take it one day at a time..

  3. One day at a time is the only way to go! Do whatever you have to do to feel better. My way to lose weight is just counting either calories or points. I'm glad you are on a mission...just don't make it a Mission Impossible - cut yourself a break. I have great faith in you, dear.

  4. Thanks for the credit Tiff! :) And I am doing it one day at a time just trying to find what works for me!

  5. Hey, I believe you can do anything you put your mind to. I also know overwieght vegans. I have ben talking to my friend Tiny (and no, he's not) about the difference between going on a diet and changing your eating habits. If you jump into something too quick you can burn yourself out. I haven't eaten land or air meat in about a year and a half. (Okay, I did have a dozen hot wings for the NCAA championship, but it was a special occasion.) But it was because I could do without meat - never really cared for the taste. But I do eat dairy and also fish, mussels and crusteceans.

    All of us out here rooting for you will still be rooting for you in a month, or even a year. We don't expect huge change in a day or a week. It isn't about the destination as much as it is about the journey. And your mission is a failure. it was a chance to back up and see what isn't going to work for you.

  6. Wait, that last part was supposed to be "your mission ISN'T a failure". Damned mango rum......
