Thursday, February 17, 2011

New tactic...

So as you know I've been in a supa funk lately.  I haven't wanted to do much of anything.  I'm still committed to losing weight and being healthy it just so happens I'm taking the long road.  In my quest to be healthy I am open to different methods. Let's not forget the 2 days I went Vegan (I tried something new...) I've been reading lots of books on clean eating and I think I checked out all the Eat this Not that books from the library.  Well folks in the spirit of trying new things,  I,(me), Rhodie E. Jackson, am doing something that no one saw coming.  I have this friend who needs some guinea pigs, I mean subjects for the field he is going in.  What field is that you ask?  Well hold on to your hats, bags and shoes because the field is hypnosis. YES I did type hypnosis. Insert laughter here. I know it sounds kooky and maybe even a little new age. Hey I would try acupuncture if I wasn't so scared of the needles. And lets be real if I had the money I most likely would visit the plastic surgeon for some lipo. Hey don't judge me ,  You know you would too....
I went for my first session last night and I have to say it's not what you would expect.  You hear of people doing hypnosis to help them quit smoking and you hear of people using it to lose weight also.  Of course you see the act on stage of people acting the fool.  I assure you it was not the latter. I felt really good after the session which I haven't felt in a while.  It has carried over into my day today.  The main focus is to help me be mindful of what I'm putting in my mouth.  And to help me stay focused on doing some "activity" everyday.
I had the best sleep last night after my session and woke up this morning feeling really good.  On my journey I am open to trying anything that is not going to be harmful to my body and this seemed like a really good avenue to take. If it works GREAT.  If it doesn't well at least I was able to try.
Oh and yes I was hypnotized. I was still able to be aware of what was going on and my surroundings and I had complete trust and faith that I would not end up on YouTube barking like a dog or quacking like a duck!
I just wanted to say a special thank you to all of you who keep encouraging me to keep it up.  That means a great deal to me.  Your support is helping me more than you know.
SO Supa Funk is OVER!!!

As always.....thanks for following...

1 comment:

  1. So glad to hear it babe! sounds very kool! keep us posted xoxo
