Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Fad Diets...

So, as I'm watching Tuesday's Oprah show on Vegan eating ( they did a Vegan challenge at Harpo for a week) It got me thinking about all the fad diets.  From the Atkins, to South Beach, to the Cabbage to the watermelon to the this and that diet.  It got me thinking about how much everyone wants to be Not Fat.  We are constantly being pushed to try  some type of weight lost fad.  Sometimes it works and people are forever changed and sometimes (most often) we try it and we do good then we want real food.  So we say screw that fad diet and we eat a burger, pizza, pint of ice cream whatever we couldn't eat when we were on that stupid fad diet.
I admit I have an adverse reaction to taking bread or meat out of my diet.  I love bread and I love meat. Without them I would most surely die.  And when I die I won't be happy because I died not eating what I love.  Okay I'm sure I wouldn't die.  Pretty sure anyway. So anyway as I was watching the Vegan for a week episode of Oprah I started to think well maybe I could try to be a little Vegan. I mean her staff loss a total of 444 pounds!! E'GADS! One dude lost 11 pounds that week.  He looked happy (he was smiling) and he said he felt great. Oh the possibilities my mind thought.  11 pounds in one week that would be great for me!  I'm down with going Vegan....Then a commercial came on for McDonalds and that idea went away.
Well not really.  Since I'm trying to eat better and lose weight I got to thinking about trying some of these crazy (and let's be real they are all crazy) diets.  It would make this a little more interesting and I can see where I land. I am aware that losing weight is more than just jumping on a crazy fad diet ban wagon (try saying that three times fast) but hey at this point it can't hurt.  I have my foundations and I know I would never be able to sustain any of those life styles.  But I could learn something from each and take good habits away from them all (except from the cabbage diet which I am not doing or the eating watermelons diet) Added benefit I can save you from having to do any of them yourself.  I think I can commit to doing them for a week.
I of course will continue to exercise because we all know that's the only way to really change your weight but these options will just give me a little boost.
Now don't worry I'm not going to take them to extreme I'm just testing them out for a week. With great power comes great responsibly. Oh wait I didn't just acquire new superpowers. That's not the quote....
To boldly go where no man has gone before...Even though thousands have gone there and are still there....
Oh well...
Starting Sunday (good thing I don't like football or I would have a crappy Super Bowl party experience) I plan to start the first of several (I'm sure to be non habit forming ) diets that have swept the nation.
Since Oprah's show is what got me thinking I shall try (notice I typed try) the Vegan lifestyle first. And all the diets shall be from now on referred to as lifestyles.

As always....thanks for following...

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1 comment:

  1. Sean and I started working our way to a somewhat vegan diet. He received a book from a cardiologist and it talks about how it can reverse or diminish heart disease. It makes a lot of sense. I also saw the Oprah show. We have started eating 3 vegan meals a week.. We will work in an extra meal every other week. We still will eat chicken or fish maybe once a month. Just by eating vegan 3 times a week, after 2 weeks I have lost 3 pounds. The meals are rather good. We do not do tofu though. Good luck Rhodie.
