Sunday, January 12, 2014

The real secret is....

The people who say they lose weight on a juice or green or clean eating/drinking diet are not telling you the whole truth.  Sure they are eating better and getting more veggies and fruits in their diet.  But you want to know what I've discovered?  I've uncovered the real weight loss plan.  Okay are you ready for the secret?

It's preparing the Juices, smoothies, clean cooking!  It's all in making it.  I spent a good part of two hours today dicing, slicing, cutting, blending to make just two mason jars full and a smoothie cup full of green smoothies for the next two or three days!  It's really no joke!  I was standing in the kitchen moving from one counter to the next blending and cutting.  My arms got a work out, my legs got a work out, my feet, fingers and toes got a workout.  It was insane.   When I finally sat down to rest I sat down for too long and when I got up again my muscles kinda hurt.  

That is the real reason people are losing weight. They are burning all the calories they may intake by making those things.  I tell you I am tired.  And I will have to do it again in two days time.  Oh the joys of trying to eat healthy!  

Until we meet again! 

Friday, January 10, 2014

Wasn't feeling it

Today I wasn't feeling it.  And by it I mean I wasn't feeling anything.  I was a little okay, a lot tired today.  I think the link between doing well and not doing well is in how much sleep you get.  I didn't get a lot last night and I kinda suffered today for it.  I was so slow this morning.  I had my smoothie all ready to go and left the house with out it.  I got 1/2 way to work and was like "NOOOOOOOO" How did I forget it.  So that kinda bummed me out.  I was looking forward to my drink.  Okay not really cuz this smoothie was one I totally threw together.  It was spinach, some cherry juice (which is where I think i went wrong), water, strawberries, bananas, and some coco wasn't the worst thing and if I liked fruit flavored chocolate it would have been the best thing ever.  But I do not like my chocolate flavored like red fruits.  Bananas are not so bad but the cherry juice and strawberry was not the best idea.  So no smoothie, no healthy lunch ( I had cup of noodles) and I'm not really feeling dinner.  I mean I'm kinda hungry but not hungry enough to go buy me food or to make me food.  So I'm sitting here wondering if I re blend the smoothie I left this morning (don't worry I left it in the freezer) will it fill my tummy.  The short answer is Heck No. The lazy one says Heck Yeah.

So we'll see.  I'm almost just ready to eat sleep and maybe I'll be feeling it tomorrow when I wake....

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Living the Green Life

Well that titile is a little misleading.  I'm on day five-ish of the 30 Day Challenge.  Why 5ish?  Well the rest of the people are on day 8.  I went on vacation and missed three days.  But I am still doing my part!  I have my kale and spinach  all bagged in little quart bags and they are resting in the freezer.  Since I can freeze the greens it makes it easier to have them on hand.  I have to say the smoothies are not bad at all.  They actually taste like the fruit I add to the mix.  It's just the color that throws most off.  Can I tell you that some of the recipes call for this Almond butter. Do you know what that is?  Do you know how EXPENSIVE it is in the freaking store?  I gotta tell you I haven't bought any.  I just can't justify spending almost $8-12 dollars on a jar of Almond Butter.  Sheesh.  So I haven't had any smoothies that call for it.  I wonder what a good substitute would be. I think if I continue on this path I'm gonna have to shell out some money for one of those Ninja things.  My blender is okay but it doesn't blend the pineapple up very well and I end up with pineapple string in my mouth, which makes me go ick.
So I'm in prep for the Daniel Fast that is starting on Sunday.  I'm excited to start my year off fasting.  I know I won't be doing it alone since my church is doing it.  But closer to home my Mom does it every year with me and has for the last 3 years.   So I've got my next challenge all set.  This Challenge thing is turning out to be a really good idea.  Although I admit it's still early in the year.  So if you see me around town feel free to ask me how Getting Rid of the Fat Girl is Going. (GROTFG). And please know that when I give you the look like I'm shooting you the bird with my finger know it's because I am either A) failing so bad that I hate that you ask. B) Doing so good that I'm so hungry (and skinny) that your head looks like a cupcake and I want to eat it or 3) What the heck are you talking about the Fat girl ate the skinny girl as she was trying to escape now pass the bread.
Thanks for the support and it's now smoothie making time.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

I've got a NEW Attitude!

Holy Smokes!  It's been 2 Years since I've tried to GET RID OF THE FAT GIRL.  I have not had much success.  It's been a long two years.  But THIS year I'm gonna do it.  I've decided to make this year the year of Challenges.  I'm challenging myself to become the best Me I can BE!  I'm going to post my ups and downs, my successes and failures and My Before and Afters.  I want you to be there with me on my journey. My first Challenge is the Green Smoothie Challenge .  It's 30 days of Green Smoothie drinking.  So sit back and follow me as I start this Challenge and prepare for this year of Challenges.  And I hope to get rid of some of the fat girl this year.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


So, That's what I am!  A SLACKER.  But about this blog.  I can't believe two weeks have passed since I've last checked in.  In my defense, I have been busy.  I'm in a new show and it takes up time.  Anyway.  I haven't gained any new weight (at least that's what the scale says)  So that's a plus.  The minus is I'm not losing any.  It's like the fat is stuck on my body.  No matter what I do, or eat or not eat it's just hanging around.  *sigh*  I'm gonna keep at it. Something has to take effect.  I'm not even getting more energy from working out.  I'm getting the short end of the stick either way!  Could it be a mind thing?  I think as I've said before, Stress is playing a huge part in my weight non-loss.  Could the weight be sticking around because I have so much stress at the moment and my body is trying to protect it's self?  Hmmmmm.....I know I have to stop stressing out but it just keeps coming back.  And when it does it's stronger than it was before.  Should I make an appointment to see somebody? 

As Always....Thanks for following....

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Ring around the Rosie

So, I feel like I've been playing ring around the rosie.  And it's not the same as I remember.  Altho I think I have fallen down.  It's been really hard to keep to a diet, excerise routine or anything else lately.  It's not because I don't think about it, because I do ALL THE TIME.  And I know a huge casue of me not being motivated enough to do it is becasue well I'm just not motivated.  Job hunting is another full time job.  The stress is messin' me up!  But my dear, sweet, motivating readers I try everyday to just do something.  It may not be 30 min or an hour or heck even 15 minutes but it is something.  Until my right now changes that's all I can promise to do.  So please keep cheering me on and encourging me.  I need it!..  Oh on a good note I haven't gained any weight!  Holla'

As Always... thanks for following...

Monday, April 4, 2011

Today I will....

So, We've all said the phrase "Today I will...." and it's usually something we have put off on many other "Today's".  I know I've done it everyday since forever.  Well Today's the day I'm going to stop saying and start doing.  Well at least as much as I can do.  The hardest thing to do in life is change.  Sure you change your job, your hair, your lipstick whatever.  But when it comes to changing your behavior the only thing that changes is the day. 
I know in my mind I'm committed to GRFG.  But it's easier said than done.  I've started and stalled and sputtered and stopped.  Only to repeat the cycle again and again and again.  Sure the trigger button has been flipped but the other buttons and switches have yet to work together as a team.  I'm not sure why my "Today's" keep becoming tomorrows but I would sure like to start my today's  today.  So with that in mind Today, I will complete my today I will sentence with "today I will go for a bike ride". 

Here's to Today....

As Always...thanks for following....